Yahtzee Score Card, 1956
Released: 1956
Publisher: E.S. Lowe Company
Slogan: "The fun game that makes thinking...fun!"
Yahtzee Score Card
©1956 E.S. Lowe Co.
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The Original Yahtzee Game
When we think of visionary innovators, certain names spring to mind: Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Walt Disney. But one of the greatest innovators of them all remains relatively unknown. Edwin S. Lowe, the man who popularized modern Yahtzee, has rightfully earned a place in the pantheon of entrepreneurial genius.
From humble beginnings selling games door-to-door, Lowe's dice-inspired creation has grown into a billion-dollar legacy. More importantly, his contributions to the world of gaming have brought joy to generations of players worldwide. Behold the brilliance of the original 1956 Yahtzee score card – where innovation meets hot dice action.