Yahtzee Equipment
Five dice, one plastic shaker, and a pencil. It seems so simple, doesn’t it? But in reality, Yahtzee equipment can be as complicated and varied as the game itself. Don’t be caught off guard by custom dice or exotic memorabilia. Embrace the diversity and make the game your own. From the playing surface to backstops, rolling trays, and good luck charms, learn about the intricacies of Yahtzee gaming materiel and show up to the table prepared.
The arrival of summer and the easing of lockdown restrictions are setting the stage for what is expected to be a record-setting year of in-person Yahtzee games. After the surge in electronic and online Yahtzee brought on by social distancing measures during 2020, the pendulum is swinging back to physical tabletop gaming. But game hosts risk disaster if their Yahtzee set has been sitting unused for an extended time.
If you are making plans to host a sanctioned Yahtzee tournament or even an informal game, remember to check the status of your Yahtzee set beforehand. Nothing will nosedive an otherwise perfect day of festivities than a missing die or lack of scorecards. While your guests will no doubt appreciate your barbecue and lemonade, they will be truly impressed if your Yahtzee equipment is complete and in ship-shape condition.
Yahtzee Gaming Materials
Yahtzee is a popular dice game that requires a few essential pieces of equipment to play. While the rules of the game are relatively simple, having the right equipment can make all the difference. The game pieces and equipment used to play Yahtzee include:
- Dice: The game of Yahtzee requires five dice, each six-sided with each face showing a different number from one to six. A custom Yahtzee set may come with special modified dice that have symbols instead of numbers, for instance, making the game even more interesting.
- Score Card: The score card is a critical piece of equipment in Yahtzee, as it is used to keep track of each player's score. A standard scorecard is made up of an Upper and Lower Section, each consisting of several scoring categories that correspond to different combinations of dice, and players will mark their scores in the appropriate category after each turn. And don't forget a writing instrument such as a pen or pencil for each player. It's a good idea to have extras on hand, in case one runs out of ink or breaks.
- Yahtzee Cup: While not essential to the game, many players prefer to use a cup to shake and roll the dice. Also known as a dice shaker, the Yahtzee cup is typically made of plastic or leather. It helps to keep the dice contained and manageable, while adding an extra element of randomness to the roll.
- Gaming area or table: In addition to having a gaming table or surface, players should also ensure they have enough room to comfortably play Yahtzee. Adequate playing area is especially important when playing with multiple players, as everyone needs enough space to roll the dice, keep their scorecards and equipment organized, and move around the table. Players should consider the size of the gaming table or surface, as well as any chairs or other furniture in the playing area when setting up the game. Having enough room to play Yahtzee ensures a comfortable and enjoyable gaming experience for all players involved.
- Rolling surface: The rolling or playing surface is the specific zone where the dice are rolled. Extra equipment isn’t strictly necessary here as the dice can simply be rolled directly upon the table. But playing in a custom-made rolling space keeps the game exciting and helps the dice from rolling off the table. This can be as simple as a tablecloth or felt mat, or as specialized as a Yahtzee-specific game board or rolling tray. A game-ready playing surface can also help ensure fair play by providing a consistent surface for rolling the dice. A rolling surface also helps protect the playing surface from damage, spills, and scratches.
Yahtzee can be a lengthy game, so players may want to have snacks and beverages on hand to sustain themselves during the game. It's important to be mindful of any potential spills, so it's a good idea to have sturdy cups or spill-proof bottles.
Additionally, some versions of Yahtzee may come with bonus chips or other additional pieces of equipment. However, these are not necessary to play the game and are optional extras. The core equipment required to play Yahtzee is the dice, scorecard, and optionally, the dice cup and shaker. With these basic pieces of equipment, players can enjoy a fun and engaging game of Yahtzee.
But beyond winning the plaudits of your fellow Yahtzeeists, proper maintenance of your Yahtzee equipment is the best step you can take to ensure a level playing field for all participants. Perfectly equal conditions simply lead to more fun. Tampering with the official equipment is one of the most common ways to cheat at Yahtzee but even well-intentioned Yahtzee lovers can indirectly damage their sets through neglect and disuse. A properly cared for set may also rise in value as a collectable piece of antique Yahtzee memorabilia. Prior to play, give your set a six-point checkup:
Yahtzee Pre-Game Inspection
1. Check that all five dice are accounted for and in good repair. Consider adding a few spares in case of loss or damage.
2. Check the integrity of the Yahtzee cup or shaker. Reinforce any weak spots if needed.
3. Check the scorecard supply and replenish sufficiently. If planning to have players make their own score sheets, ensure a supply of related tools like blank paper and rulers.
4. Check that there are enough pencils for all expected players. Pens or other writing implements may be used if necessary.
5. Check that the official rules booklet is in place to nip potential arguments in the bud.
6. Check for any supplemental equipment such as lucky charms, Yahtzee Bonus candy rewards, or customized gaming items.
Note: Yahtzee Bonus Chips are the only useless piece of official Yahtzee equipment, made redundant as the Yahtzee Bonus is recorded on the score card. These vestigial remnants of the game’s shared ancestry with Poker can be discarded at the owner’s discretion.
It's Gotta be the Shoes
The importance of gaming equipment integrity is not unique to Yahtzee - in fact just the opposite. Some level of standardization is necessary in all competitive endeavors that require specialised equipment. It not only protects the integrity of the gameplay but also upholds values of fair play.
Mbuleli Mathanga, a South African long-distance runner, set a personal best time in a recent 5,000m race but was disqualified due to his footwear – state-of-the-art carbon-plated Nike Vaporfly running shoes. But Mathanga wasn’t trying to game the system. He simply found the shoes more comfortable than the traditional spiked running shoes which hurt his legs. So he employed a third option during his next race and set a provincial record by completing the 10,000m barefoot.
With the rapid increase of technological advances in manufacturing processes and the commoditization of pro sports that make cheating more lucrative, some equipment is just too good and subsequently banned to maintain a level playing field. So no metal bats to pad your homerun tally in Major League Baseball and no self-correcting golf balls that always find the fairway. But when it comes to Yahtzee, the effects from a player’s choice of equipment is not so simple.
Juiced for the Yahtzee Table
Success at Yahtzee depends on a complex sequence of dice rolls and not simply on going farther, faster, or straighter. A player using corked dice will not necessarily result in inequitable gameplay. Improved equipment manufacture just doesn’t lead to an increase in total Yahtzee score.
All else being equal, carbon-plated dice will confer no advantage over a player using plain old plastic dice from a standard Yahtzee set. So as opposed to other games, the main issue in maintaining a level playing field in Yahtzee is not to regulate performance-enhancing equipment but just the opposite - ensuring that the dice are up to par. Equipment of an inferior quality can diminish the randomness that is necessary for a fair and enjoyable game of Yahtzee.
Yahtzee involves a great deal of strategy and skill but a fair game would not be possible without randomness. Each face of a die must have a perfectly equal chance, 16.67%, of coming up on any given roll - a concept referred to as “dice balance.” Many studies have been conducted to determine which type of dice have the highest levels of dice balance and some cubes are undoubtedly better than others. Unfortunately the dice that come included in a store-bought Yahtzee game are not at the top of the list.
Plastic dice manufacturing techniques can result in irregularities in a die’s interior which throw off its balance. And many dicemakers value their own economic interests above producing perfectly balanced dice. A company that rounds off a die’s corners and adds pips to the sides (pips are the indentations on each face that indicate the value) saves a lot of plastic over time, thus improving their bottom line. The effect these measures have on the cubes’ balance simply doesn’t enter the equation for penny-pinching dice manufacturers.
Dice, Dice, Baby
Determining dice balance requires experiments where dice are rolled thousands of times in a row. While some may say that sounds like an exciting evening to many Yahtzeeists, the monotony has led to the creation of mechanical rolling devices. These machines deliver precisely random rolls much faster than a human ever could. Such studies have concluded that plastic dice tend to land as Ones in disproportionate numbers - over 30% of the time in some research.
This result is a bit counterintuitive as the One face is the heaviest side of a pipped die. It stands to reason that a die would land face down on its heaviest side due to the force of gravity. The lightest side of standard die is always aligned opposite the heaviest. Due to the additional plastic having been scooped out of its face, the Six would more frequently land in an upright position as the most common roll.
Popular dicemaker Chessex has confirmed the paradoxical result from their own internal research. Physicists assure us that the paradox is an illusion, suggesting that centrifugal forces have a much stronger effect upon rolling dice than gravity does.
If you don’t have the patience to roll your dice thousands of times to determine their balance, consider giving them a salt water bath. Depending on the mass of the dice you may need to add a lot of salt, but once proper salinity is achieved the dice will float. With a gentle flick the die will slowly rotate and come to rest with one face pointing up. Repeating this exercise and comparing the results is a surefire way to test dice balance.
For recreational purposes a slightly unbalanced die may not be too big of a deal for most players, especially if everyone is using the same set of dice. But in professional tournaments dice are usually held to a higher standard.
Given the huge profits that casinos earn by exploiting probabilities, the gambling industry has produced the most thorough and accurate dice balance research. Not incidentally, the type of dice used in a casino are without a doubt the most balanced and these produce reliably random rolls. So for players that want a perfectly level playing field, use high-quality precision dice. These are clear cubes and are often handmade so as to rule out any internal abnormalities that may affect balance. Their square-corners and non-pipped faces also enhance the prospects of a truer roll.
And while not as dependable as casino dice, metal dice are a step up from mass produced plastic dice. These are manufactured in a way where air bubbles and other inclusions are not able to form, although their opacity renders visual confirmation impossible.
Sounds of Science
Rolling dice is a physical process that involves the random movement of a small object. The science behind it lies in the laws of physics, specifically mechanics and probability. When a die is rolled, it tumbles and bounces, creating randomness in its final resting position. The number that faces up is determined by the probability of each number landing face up, which is 1/6 for a standard six-sided die. The outcome of a single roll is uncertain, but the probabilities of the different outcomes can be calculated and the long-term distribution of the results can be predicted.
A dice roll involves several physical concepts, including probability, friction, and randomness. The outcome of a dice roll is determined by the combination of the initial velocity of the dice, the surface it rolls on, and its shape and size, which all affect the randomness of its final resting position. Friction between the dice and the surface slows down the dice and contributes to its random stopping position. The number facing up is determined by the way the dice comes to rest, governed by laws of physics and randomness.
In their paper, "The three-dimensional dynamics of the die throw", Doctoral student Marcin Kapitaniak and his co-authors created a sophisticated theoretical model of a die throws. They considered how the effects of gravity, air resistance, friction of the table, and other factors influence the outcome of the roll. In addition, they observed the fall of the die with a high-speed camera that captured the die's trajectory at a rate of 1500 frames per second. What did they find to be the most important factor?
"The initial position of the die," according to Tomasz Kapitaniak of the University of Lodz in Poland. Small changes in the position of a die can significantly affect the outcome. "The air resistance can be neglected," he said, although “friction is important.”
A master of the fake roll is able to roll the dice off their hand in a controlled way. Having carefully aligned the dice just prior to the maneuver, they can reliably roll a number of their choosing. In other words, they manage the centrifugal effects with a precise and heavily practiced dice routine. Preventing this kind of trickery calls for a healthy dose of good old-fashioned dice action.
Dice Action
One of the most very basic of mankind’s instinctual urges is the need to control. This urge has manifested itself in many ways throughout history, such as agriculture, animal domestication, weather forecasting, religion, domestic violence, government, and hierarchical systems in general. Whenever human beings have been presented with a mysterious phenomenon for which they have absolutely no knowledge about, the primal need to control any and all situations kicks in. And inevitably this urge will overpower the clear lack of facts, often flying in the face of reason, to come up with some means of control of the situation at hand. When it comes to Yahtzee, this primal urge can be satisfied through the phenomena known as “dice action”.
Dice action is an expression of the amount of kinetic energy that dice exhibit during the time they leave the Yahtzee cup until they come to rest on the table. Under normal playing situations, a higher level of dice action will result in a greater ability to control the dice. To illustrate this point, imagine the dice are a car. Now picture yourself trying to drive the car through a muddy field of slop. You’ll have a hell of a time trying to maneuver your vehicle as the tires spin and the car fishtails. You may even get completely bogged down in the muck. Dice behave in the same way and like the car, their action is intimately related to the surface that they are acting upon.
A die with high dice action will carom wildly and result in a truly random roll. Cheaters will try to keep the force as low as possible in their attempts to manipulate their rolls. A Yahtzee host should prioritize their pre-game preparations around maximizing the potential for explosive dice action. The playing surface, consequently, is the best place to start.
There are two qualities of a Yahtzee playing surface, generally a tabletop, that have the most impact on dice action - hardness and friction. Hardness amplifies bouncing, the hallmark characteristic of high dice action. Softer surfaces will dampen the impact of the dice, sapping their kinetic energy in the process. Throwing the dice onto a soft or uneven surface will generally result in very low dice action. The dice will feel unresponsive and under such conditions a player’s desired roll becomes quite difficult to achieve. Similarly, a limp-wristed cup release can result in low dice action. Likewise, higher levels of friction will result in more dice action. Dice tend to bounce around more on a high-friction table due to its inherent bumpiness. This tumbling and twirling makes the results impossible to predict. Bouncing is diminished on a smooth, low-friction table where the dice can't easily slide across the surface.
Every Yahtzeeist has his own personal zone of comfort when it comes to dice action. Some players crave extremely energetic dice and try to maximize the dice action with every roll. On the other hand, some players like to settle into a nice cozy middle ground. This is purely based on personal preference. So experiment with different surfaces and change up your throwing style from time to time to find the level of control that best suits your game. And always remember that the wise Yahtzee master is constantly aware of her surroundings. By taking into account the spunkiness of the playing surface and other environmental factors, and then adjusting the throwing technique accordingly, one can fine-tune the amount of dice action and take greater control over one’s game.
The Complete Yahtzee Set
Dice may be the most vital piece of Yahtzee equipment but they aren’t the only one. Equipment enhancement is encouraged with regards to the score cards and pencils, but these upgrades are purely cosmetic upgrades to add some spice to the game. Other types of equipment however can be used in strategic ways to make up for possible imperfections in the dice, maintain equal playing conditions, or even improve your total score.
One of the most popular pieces of supplemental Yahtzee equipment is the backstop. This is simply any hard surface that can be used to roll the dice against. A heavy book can serve well here but the most convenient backstop is typically the Yahtzee box itself. A backstop introduces much higher levels of randomization into any given dice roll by increasing the dice action. The concept is employed in the dice game craps as an anti-cheat technique. A player is required to throw or “shoot” the dice against a backstop to discourage fake rolls.
Another way to amp up dice action while discouraging cheating is to mandate the use of a dice cup or shaker. Fake roll techniques require the player to roll by hand so they can simulate the appearance of a roll while maintaining control of the dice’s trajectory. A shaker eliminates the threat by adding another layer of randomness to every roll. The Yahtzee cup also provides an outlet for players’ individuality, through the use of personalized shakers, like the antique version from grandma’s set or your favorite beer stein.
Performance-enhancing Yahtzee equipment is not a risk to the game’s integrity but dereliction of game sets is. The successful Yahtzee host this summer season will keep their gaming materials in a secure location, safe from decay and tampering. Should a player, inspired by the runner Mr. Mathanga, choose to go “barefoot” and not use a shaker at all the results could end up much the same as the race. Proper use and maintenance of all equipment will help ensure that the upcoming global Yahtzee binge can continue for as long as needed.
Ask The Yahtzee Manifesto
Experts at the World Yahtzee Institute work day and night on the world’s most pressing Yahtzee issues. But they can’t do it alone. It takes a community working together to plumb the depths of modern Yahtzee theory.
To help further humanity’s dice exploration, we answer readers’ letters on all things Yahtzee. This week’s letter asks about how to deal with damaged Yahtzee equipment. Because even Yahtzee bonus chips, for example, need to be properly maintained.
Yahtzee Dice Maintenance
Dear Yahtzee Manifesto,
My husband and I always stage a Yahtzee tournament with friends on New Year’s Eve. We believe that playing Yahtzee at the stroke of midnight brings good luck for the year ahead. Last night we encountered a situation unlike anything we’ve seen before.
I always like to throw the dice with some force and let smash them into a backstop for extra dice action. During a roll in the middle of our game, the corner of one the dice broke off and shattered into many tiny pieces. I guess I don’t know my own strength! My husband, who I’ll call Steve, insisted that we stop the game immediately until we could fetch a replacement die. He contended that the deformity would influence the roll of the die and lead to unfair results. We couldn't find anything that covered this in the Yahtzee rule book and the rest of us were perfectly happy to carry on with the game. I understand Steve’s logic, but I believe he was over-reacting.
My question for you is this: was Steve right in demanding that we stop the game? I should also mention that this tournament has money on the line – the winner took home £400. Many thanks and have a happy new year!
Janet Cross - Swansea, Wales
Dear Janet,
Happy new year to you too! We were quite disturbed to hear of your dice misfortune, especially as it befell you on the brink of the new year. Unfortunately, the scene you describe is becoming more and more common and is likely to only get worse.
In the old days, the Yahtzee dice set and other equipment were crafted with great care by a delicate hand. They were made with quality in mind and built to last a lifetime. With the advent of capitalism, the quest for profit has led to a state of affairs where giant corporations can leverage their size and wealth to mass-produce loads of second-rate gaming equipment. Artisan workmanship has essentially been stamped out under the boot of big business. So while we were crestfallen to hear of your incident last night, we certainly aren’t surprised.
But on to your question. Steve is correct to state that your damaged die will significantly change the odds of rolling certain numbers. The missing corner has slightly altered the mass of the cube and put its center of gravity out of its natural position. Of course, all players will be affected equally by this deformity as the games progresses. But had you noticed the damage before the start of the game, you could have continued play well assured that each player really would face identical conditions. Since the accident occurred in the middle of game, the odds will invariably be stacked for or against a given player. For example, let’s imagine that the dice damage has decreased the odds of rolling a Six by 15%. If you have not yet scored your Sixes by the time of the die malfunction, you will be at a disadvantage vis-à-vis an opponent who had already scored a strong total for Sixes. So the remainder of your game after the die became damaged was not played under entirely fair circumstances. Steve was indeed correct to insist that a new die be found before play could continue.
Thanks for your email Janet and we hope that you soon find a replacement die. We suggest seeking out a higher-quality dice set that matches your own tastes and rolling style. Good luck, comrade!
Learn More about Yahtzee Game Equipment
Some variations might require additional equipment, such as a special Yahtzee dice set or a specific type of scorecard. Or they might use a digital platform, in which case, you only need a device with internet connection and the appropriate application or website. Explore the further realms of Yahtzee game equipment: