Challenge Yahtzee Rules, 1974
Challenge Yahtzee is just like the standard game but with a twist: all players score their turns from the same roll. They decide individually which dice to keep and how to score the rolls but all must work from the same dice. It’s this common roll element that forces tactical decision-making to the forefront. The official rule book concludes that “Although luck plays a role, the winning player will have used the best strategy.”
"Challenge Yahtzee is an absorbing, fast-paced poker dice game where careful choices and shrewd strategy play a greater role than ever before. All players build their point scores from common rolls of the dice, but use their own judgment for possbi;e combinations and scoring. It's a natural for game players who love to win by out-thinking their opponents."
Released: 1974
Publisher: Milton Bradley
Slogan: "All players score from the same roll"
Challenge Yahtzee Rules
©1974 Milton Bradley
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