Jackpot Yahtzee Rules, 1980

Jackpot Yahtzee, despite its brief production run, stands out as a top-tier Yahtzee variant. It cleverly blends elements from the 1970s classic Connect-Four with Word Yahtzee's format. The game's casino-inspired design features dice adorned with slot machine symbols like dollar signs, bells, oranges, and cherries, creating an engaging, arcade-like atmosphere.
"An exciting game of chance and strategy that the whole family will love. Roll the special dice. Certain combinations of cherries, oranges, bells and dollar signs signal you to insert a specific tile or tiles in your rack. Be oh-so-careful how you stack the tiles in the rack. Points are awarded for building horizontal and diagonal (not vertical) rows of 3, 4 or 5 of a kind of cherries, oranges, bells or dollar signs. Bonus points can also be won! Whoever has the most points after 5 rounds of play wins the game. The luck of the dice throw and the tactics of tile placement make Jackpot Yahtzee a unique combination of chance and strategy and a sure bet as a family fun game!"
Released: 1980
Publisher: Milton Bradley
Slogan: "Win big with a little luck and a lot of strategy."
Jackpot Yahtzee Rules
©1980 Milton Bradley
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