Yahtzee Rules, 2004

The 2004 Yahtzee Deluxe Edition was a luxurious version of the classic dice game, featuring high-quality components and a beautiful rule book.
“If you like to play Yahtzee, then you’ll love to play the Deluxe Edition! Shake up the 5 glittering dice in the plush cup. Roll them into the sleek, felt-lined tray. Place “keepers” in the handy dice holder. If you roll a bonus Yahtzee take an exclusive token. We even provide the pencils to keep score.
For elegance and style, you just can’t play a better game of Yahtzee.”
Released: 2004
Publisher: Hasbro
Slogan: "The ultimate Yahtzee experience"
Yahtzee Rules
Deluxe Edition
©2004 Hasbro
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