Yahtzee Rules, 2023
This "Classic Yahtzee" set recreates the look and feel of the very first release from 1956. The stylish rule book features old-school cool artwork from the original game. In fact, the rule book is an exact copy of its baby-boomer predecessor, with the exception of the updated Yahtzee Bonus rules.
"The fabulously famous dice game, introduced over fifty years ago, continues to delight millions of players!
Experience Yahtzee like it was, when it debuted in 1956.
Same styling as the original game with die cup with aluminium rim, five dice, scorepad, and bonus chips.
Bring back the memories as you roll classic dice combinations, like Full House, Large Straight and Yahtzee! (five-of-a-kind)."
Released: 2023
Publisher: Hasbro
Slogan: "The fun game that makes thinking . . . fun!"
Yahtzee Rules
©2023 Hasbro
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